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About Us
















   Something broke inside of me when the Trade Towers went down.  A family member narrowly escaped death exiting tower one as tower two collapsed.  Like all American's, I was stunned.


     Just two days earlier, I first saw the Towers, as pictured above, when my flight to Jacksonville, FL took off from Newark, NJ.  As the plane banked to the right, gaining altitude, the Trade Towers came into view glistening majestically in the evening sunlight.  In 36 hours they would be a pile of rubble, 2,976 innocent people, the majority of them American's, would be dead, and we would be a Nation at war.


     Those events stirred up personal memories of war and the spiritual isolation it produced in me.  During my tour of duty in Vietnam with the Army, I only saw a Chaplain on two occasions.  A fire was re-kindled in my heart for the spiritual welfare of U.S. Armed Forces, Veterans, and their families.  Out of that, the idea of "Christian Life Deployment Kits" for the troops was born. That idea became reality when FSM was licensed as a non-profit corporation in January 2007.  Since then we have shipped thousands of kits to our troops deployed around the world at no cost to them. 

 In 2017 we sent a large shipment of kits to the British Army for an upcoming deployment at their request.  We are grateful to God for all He is doing through our mission efforts today and in the future. 2018 we started ministry to Law Enforcement and Prisoners.


Terry Wilson Sr.- Founder and Director of FSM


Career Biography


14 years Active Duty U.S. Military, 20 years DOD Civilian:  

Enlisted, U.S. Army.

1967-1970  Honorable Discharge, Pay Grade E-5

Enlisted, U.S. Navy.

1973-1985  Honorable Discharge, Pay Grade E-6

20 years Civilian Federal Service: 

Department of the Army,  Fort Sheridan, IL 1985-1989

Department of the Navy,  Kings Bay, GA 1989-2005 

Retired, Pay Grade GS-1152-11.

Security Manager, Express Scripts Corp 2005-2009


  • Disabled American Veterans, Life Member

  • First Cavalry Division Association, Life Member

  • Civilian Federal Managers Association, Retired

  • GA Sheriff's Association, Honorary Member


Christian Biography


Co-Managed Christian Coffee House, Norfolk, VA.  1980-82. 


Naval Instructor "A" School Instructor; in addition, served three years as a volunteer facilitator,  Base Chapel,  CREDO Center, Great Lakes, IL  1982-1985. 


Director/Founder of First Strike Ministries, 2007-present.  Ministry to U.S. Armed Forces and Law Enforcement.


Georgia Department of Corrections trained and badged volunteer, Smith State Maximum Security Prison, Glennville, GA.


Prison Ministries, KAIROS, a Worldwide ecumenical ministry to Prisoners, S. E. GA Inside Team.  Also, Director of First Strike Prison Ministry.


Law Enforcement Ministry: Featuring the "Peacemaker Kit".


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